The main purpose of the four commandments of risk management is the risk awareness of the employees. After all, man is the weakest link. Risk awareness goes both ways. On the one hand this concerns...
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This method is in line with the COSO-ERM approach when it comes to setting the objectives of the company and identifying both static and dynamic risks throughout the entity.In this contribution I...
How to determine the criticality of a process in a BIA? In BCM there is a lot of talk about time-critical processes (TCP), essential processes (EP), necessary processes (NP) and useful processes...
Important concepts in strategic risk management are Key Risk Indicators and risk intelligence. Risk intelligence is a "systematic process for gathering and analyzing information about the risks of...
Author: Manu Steens In this contribution I give my own opinion, not that of any organization. This document provides guidance to managers and employees of the organization. It describes what...
The four commandments applied to risk awareness. Risk awareness (Risk-aware behavior) is difficult to achieve. Traditionally, people tackle this with classic marketing practices such as posters,...