Author: Jan Lippens in conversation with Montasser AlDe’emeh
In this book, Montasser organizes his thoughts on the situation of young Muslims in Belgium, Europe, or the world… Everywhere they fall behind, experiencing a crisis of self-discovery, and some make what we see as the wrong choice. As often said, this is entirely understandable, one can point fingers at many parts of societal systems, but ultimately, according to Montasser, they make the wrong choice themselves. Many have therefore gone to Syria.
Montasser himself seems to consider them a lost group. He warns current politicians not to butter up the lost group too much. It is better to focus on helping young people make healthy choices now and within 5 to 10 years. There is an enormous crowd ready to explode. Especially now that IS calls for armed resistance with all possible means in their own countries, as IS rapidly loses ground.
Montasser’s method to reach a solution is to work on radical reconciliation. Although he does not present a neatly outlined plan of action in the book, there are some clear critical success factors that can be worked on. Below are some points that stuck:
Invest minimal energy in returnees from Syria, they are a lost group and belong in prison for crimes against humanity.
Invest maximum energy in the youth of tomorrow. Make them think about their faith, and not just accept what they are told about Islam.
Work towards a European Islam.
Make use of the Imams who are here and whose thoughts are known.
Send radical Imams back to their country of origin. Also, the radical Muslims. Or to Saudi Arabia, where Sharia law is applied.
Call on Saudi Arabia and related countries to take responsibility for refugee reception. People feel better with others they understand better themselves.
Let the European Community engage in discussions with Arab countries so that they can no longer hide regarding the refugee problem.
Montasser might play a leading political role as an expert in this. He himself says that if they ask him from politics, he might consider it. What is regrettable about the book is that it is written with an almost extreme right-wing language. Also, there is a real chance that Montasser will be killed because of his views, he says himself.