What you need to know about air quality
Our Air by Wouter Lefebvre
Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But the ideas are too good not to share.
In Our Air, the author explains, almost without jargon, what you need to know about air quality. The pollutants are numerous. For example, he discusses NOx (nitrogen oxides), SO2 (sulfur dioxide), 03 (Ozone), particulate matter, NH3 (ammonia). However, an important one is not really explicitly discussed in depth: CO2. In addition to the polluting particles, their interactions and their effects on the environment, he also discusses who the biggest polluters are.
But he doesn’t end there.
He also defines a number of actions to tackle pollution at source. Some of the lessons identified are:
- Limit transport with Diesel.
- The polluter pays, including the external costs.
- Filter the contamination at the source.
- Go more by bike or on foot.
- Do not use wood-burning stoves or fireplaces.
- Insulate your home.
- Let ships use shore power.
- Use green, renewable energy.
- Change your diet (eat less meat).
- Consume more local produce.
- Rely on experts.
- Check that obligations are being met.
- Dare to take new measures, even in the long term.
- Plant a tree.
- Opt against ribbon development.
After the lessons identified in Our Air, the author gives an idea of the costs/benefits of investing in infrastructure that could help.
Above all, however, measures are already being taken, and they are already bearing fruit. The air is already much cleaner than it was 100 years ago. However, there is still a way to go. His advice is to go that route. Also in the context of climatic changes.
Title: Onze Lucht – Wat je moet weten over luchtkwaliteit, Author: Wouter Lefebvre, Publisher: Lannoo, ISBN: 9789401456470