Mess fever by: Hein Zegers
Mess fever: an illness typified by an abundance of stuff and activities. Frequent symptoms include: no more room in cupboards or overcrowded schedules. Accompanied by a gnawing feeling of unwell-being. Often occurs together with Sense Deficit Disorder.
Of this book I found only a Dutch version. But the ideas in it are very important to share.
Mess fever describes the BASICS therapy.
BASICS stands for
- Back (taking a step back and looking at things from a distance)
- Attention (paying attention to what is happening in the here and now)
- Select (consciously select what you find important in life)
- Invest (investing in what you think is important)
- Cut (remove the things that are not in accordance with the chosen values)
- Sense (Meaning: live according to your values)
This therapy provides a way out of the hustle and bustle for those who long for a sober meaningful life.
In itself, this practice can be a way out for those who start to be excessively busy, and be a preventive step in a prevention policy against Burn Out.
At the end of the book, the author makes a reference to the model of Psychological Flexibility. He points out a number of similarities between the two models. Each chapter concludes with an experiment and a flash experiment that the reader can apply to his own situation. Especially the flash experiment seemed useful for people today in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.