Author: Wil Michels
In a book divided into four parts, the author discusses communication: how to think about a strategy, which basic strategies he identifies, the use of metaphor, and then the step towards execution.
I’m not a communication specialist myself, but there are still some things that stuck with me that could be useful for crisis management and crisis communication.
Firstly, it turns out that pursuing a single strategy in communication is outdated. For example, what is important for crisis management is a distinction made between the strategy for reputation management and the strategy for issue management. The big difference is that with the reputation strategy, an organization works on building a strong image with various target groups, while with the issue strategy, the focus is on a policy that should influence the target group’s perception of a specific theme. It can thus be used to avoid negative perceptions, as may be the case in a crisis, while the reputation strategy can be used to provide goodwill beforehand.
The change strategy is also a strategy that can be used in risky projects, such as takeovers or mergers, or changes in organizational structure and culture. This works mainly by creating a positive work atmosphere and a broad support base.
One thing that stood out is the principle of the six (color) thinking hats by Bono: this is not only useful in communication in general but also in crisis management.
Step 1: Start with white. Go through the facts and make an analysis. Be objective and don’t jump to conclusions. Is the strategy feasible?
Step 2: Green hat. Explore the alternatives. Provoke. Think creatively and make free associations.
Step 3: Yellow hat. Look at the benefits and opportunities of the strategy. Be positive and seek the benefits. Speculate about the best-case scenario. Dare to dream.
Step 4: Black hat. Discuss the disadvantages and risks and weaknesses. Provide criticism. Be pessimistic and resist. Be the devil’s advocate.
Step 5: Red hat. Try to feel what feeling the strategy evokes. Be emotional. Be intuitive. Use gut feeling.
Step 6: Blue hat. Conclude the brainstorming. Summarize the ideas of the other hats. Make a decision. And identify the ideas that deserve further development. Use a helicopter view. What are the consequences? What actions are necessary?