13 Mistakes That Make Your Business Better Yes! I Screwed up by Miloe Van Beek Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But it contains invaluable lessons. Yes! I Screwed up is different...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
PRAGMATIC Security Metrics by W.Krag Brotby and Gary Hinson PRAGMATIC Security Metrics is about how to make security metrics, assess, for whom to use them, but above all that it is useful to use...
The Climate Paradox by Peter van Druenen Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But it has interesting ideas. In this essay, the author deals with a subject that is as sensitive as it is...
Beyond the measurable by Margaret Heffernan Of this book, I only found a Dutch version. In Beyond the measurable, the author illustrates the small things, small choices, in which everyone...
Gamification as a driver of change by Bart Hufen Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But the ideas are great ! According to Gamification as a driver of change, employees should be...
I Was Told to Come Alone by Souad Mekhennet In I Was Told to Come Alone, the author goes in search of answers. Answers that people need when asked about the why of a number of things, in her case...