How to recognize and act on the obvious dangers we ignore The Gray Rhino by Michèle Wucker ContentsHow to recognize and act on the obvious dangers we ignoreIt's about things that are...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
ContentsTwo questionsWhat is our motive for looking for risks?The power of incentivesHow can we master and control our risk motivation?How do we compensate for perceived risks?What distinguishes RMT...
3 Steps of Effective & Efficient Risk Management – ISO 31000
3 Steps of Effective & Efficient Risk Management - ISO 31000 by Dr. Frank Herdmann 3 Steps of Effective & Efficient Risk Management - ISO 31000 is a thin book of 70 pages, the author...
Factfulness by Hans Rosling with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling In Factfulness the author tells about indicators about the world. He thereby asks the following thirteen questions as multiple choice....
I only found a Dutch version of "Uw organisatie GDPR Compliant – Modellen voor een praktische implementatie". However, it is interesting to know about it. Context The European General Data...
Future Crimes by Marc Goodman In Future Crimes, the author gives a tour in a world that is online 24/7. It is about a new story of what can go wrong. And it is not an old wine in new bags. They...