Speech by Carl Decaluwé – Governor of West Flanders – 6 December 2018 Of this booklet I only found a Dutch version. But the ideas are too good not to share. The story of Much-needed water...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
What you need to know about air quality Our Air by Wouter Lefebvre Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But the ideas are too good not to share. In Our Air, the author explains, almost...
Dealing with uncertainties in a targeted way Risk leadership by Martin van Staveren Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But I want to give the readers an idea of what it is about. The...
Risk-based working in practice by Martin van Staveren Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But the ideas are too important not to share. Within Risk-based working in practice, the author...
The terrorist's son by Zak Ebrahim with Jeff Giles In The terrorist's son, the son talks about his father and mother, his youth, his family, and the atrocities of the world. People are...
The Storyteller's secret by Carmine Gallo In The Storyteller's secret, the author explains the secrets of the best storytellers. Each of them has his own success story. But how do they do it? The...