Authors: Astrid Vermeer and Ben Wenting This booklet is a sequel to another booklet by the same authors: "Self-managing Teams in Practice," written for the coach of the team(s). The author ensures...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
Author: Leron Zinatullin In this book the author explains the human side of IT Security. By linking the behavior of the target group (the people in the organization) to the desired outcomes (an...
Authors: Robert C. Thames and Douglas W. Webster This book is about change management. More specifically, building the change capacity of the organization. The book starts with a first part...
Astrid Vermeer and Ben Wenting "Self-managing teams in practice" is primarily a "how do I do it myself" booklet for teal organizations. These are also described in a "what and why" form in the...
Author: Thomas H. Stanton The book deals with the what and how of the mortgage bond crisis of about 2008. Only roughly because none of the organizations involved were not informed in advance. The...
Author: Frederic Laloux In his book 'Reinventing Organisations, the author seems to kick against holy houses. 'Why do not we need this vertical structure?', 'Why, we can trust the employees in the...