Future-Proofing The State by editors Jonathan Boston, John Wanna, Vic Lipski and Justin Pritchard Future-Proofing The State comes out of the aftermath of a number of short-term major disasters in...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
New ideas from eight top economists Creative after the crisis by Hans Wansink Of this book, I only found a Dutch version. In the preface to the Creative after the crisis book, Monika Sie...
Best Fanatics – Three Essays by Amos Oz Of this book, I only found a Dutch version. In three essays, the author approaches the phenomenon of fanatics. In the first essay of Best Fanatics...
The author discusses a small number of possible global catastrophes in a popular scientific way, namely global warming, ice ages, the impacts of debris from outer space, and the workings of the Earth...
Elementary Particles - 20 – Terrorism by Edwin Bakker and Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn The authors ask themselves a few questions about terrorism and make an analysis of the known facts. That...
Beyond Terror – The truth about the real threats to our world
In this booklet from 2007, the Oxford Research Group makes a vision of the connection and future of a number of world problems with razor-sharp predictive value. In this book, they limit themselves...