Practical guide – Privacy in the enterprise by Marga Caproni and Stéphanie De Smedt Of this book I only found a Dutch version. Since 2023 there is a new version. The original book,...
Book Review Topic: Risk Management
Risk Analysis in EU Policy Making and Regulation by Bernardo Delogu Three types of risk The author presents a number of concepts and methods of risk analysis that are most relevant to the...
Understanding Hybrid Warfare by: Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) ContentsHybrid what?Step 1: UnderstandStep 2: the Analytical Framework:What are the recommendations of this...
X-Events. The Collapse of Everything by John Casti X-Events is "For the connoisseurs of unknown unknowns" and is in three parts. Part1: Why 'normal' is not normal anymore The first part -...
Context Humanity has been busy with productivity since time immemorial. Production provided people with scarce resources that were / are worth a lot due to their scarcity. In the last decade, the...
Mess fever by: Hein Zegers Mess fever: an illness typified by an abundance of stuff and activities. Frequent symptoms include: no more room in cupboards or overcrowded schedules. Accompanied by a...