BCM Strategies by Kenneth N. Myers In this book, the author discusses strategies for addressing two classes of catastrophic crises that can happen to an organization: the failure of computers, and...
Book Review Topic: BCM
BCM Building an effective Incident Management Plan by Michael Blyth In BCM Building an effective Incident Management Plan, the author works steadily towards his goal in the first three chapters:...
Author: James C. Barnes In 'A Guide to Business Continuity Planning', the author brings together his wisdoms that he collected during the execution of his work as a consultant in the business...
Authors: Jan Kerkhofs and Philippe Van Linthout Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for risk management as well as for BCM (Business Continuity Management). BCM organizations are...
Author: Ivan Stuer Cybercrime is prevalent these days. By now, everyone should be aware of it. But why are so few sites resistant to DDoS attacks, for example? When do people realize that...
Author: Robert A. Clark With this book the author, Robert A. Clark, draws attention to an important issue that is on the border between BCM and Risk Management, but what is traditionally...