Dealing with uncertainties in a targeted way
Risk leadership by Martin van Staveren
Of this book I only found a Dutch version. But I want to give the readers an idea of what it is about.
The book combines the catch-all concepts of risk leadership based on the interaction between scientific insight and practice.
It’s all about dealing with uncertainties in a purposeful way. That is the common thread for everyone inside and outside every organization. The lesson is that dealing with uncertainties differently, looking at them from a different angle than before, offers unprecedented opportunities.
To develop it, you don’t have to be a manager, risk advisor, risk manager or risk officer. It’s even easier, because you don’t have to unlearn anything.
Why is risk leadership relevant? Partly this has to do with our VUCA world. Because this VUCA environment helps determine whether your organization is successful or fails. It affects everyone. Risk leadership wants to teach you how to deal with that. That’s why it’s essential for everyone, not just executives.
The distinction between the author’s two books (‘Risk Leadership’ and ‘Risk-Based Working in Practice’) lies in six points:
- An up-to-date risk definition. In short: risk is the effect of uncertainty on goals.
- Focus on everyone: there are formal and informal leaders.
- New perspective of risk leadership, the farewell of the risk manager. This fits better with the VUCA world.
- The mix of relevant and current aspects of the field of leadership and the field of risk management. Most of the time, books on risk management don’t mention leadership at all.
- Multiple perspectives: neuropsychology, sociology, philosophy, organizational science, public administration, change management.
- Develop specific skills as risk leadership in a complementary form of leadership.
Chapter 1 is about the motivation for leadership. It provides an answer to the question of why showing risk leadership both inside and outside organizations, by directors, managers, advisors and other professionals, is perhaps more important than ever.
Chapter 2 explores what it might be. This from a diversity of perspectives such as neuropsychology, public administration, organizational science and philosophy.
Chapter 3 is about how it might work. What should you be able to do and what do you have to dare? It’s about twenty skills that all help. The starting point is the twenty characteristics of risk-based working. Five specific points of attention are linked to each skill.
An important tip from the author is not to be able to apply these 20 skills all at once, but to work with them per small number.
Chapter 4 covers two tools and summarizes it in six practical tips. These tools are the risk carousel and the risk-based moral deliberation.
Title: Risicoleiderschap – doelgericht omgaan met onzekerheden, Author: Martin van Staveren, Publisher: Vakmedianet, ISBN: 9789462762640