Practical guide – Privacy in the enterprise

  • AuthorMarga Caproni, Stéphanie De Smedt

Practical guide – Privacy in the enterprise by Marga Caproni and Stéphanie De Smedt

Of this book I only found a Dutch version. Since 2023 there is a new version.

The original book, consisting of two parts and 29 chapters, summarizes in 297 pages full of questions and answers a vision of the GDPR from the law practice of the two authors.

Part one is an introduction that looks back at the previous privacy directives, but also provides an interpretation of the related legislation such as the Telecommunications Act and the Camera Act. These will be discussed again later in the book.

In part two of Practical guide – Privacy in the enterprise, legal obligations, the authors, always in question and answer, explain the things that everybody in the C-suite needs to know about privacy legislation: am I responsible, is my company subject to this new law, and personal data, what is all that?

Then comes the tightrope for the lawyers themselves: what are the obligations, where are the boundaries for the employer and the employee, for the controller, the DPO, the processor and the data subject?

The book covers many subjects, some of which are very far-reaching, such as alcohol and drug tests, checks in case of possible theft, shadowing of people, geolocation of cars or smartphones, takeover of an organization, etc. It is all discussed, always with an extensive motivation why the authors take a certain position, daring to go against the WP29 working group.

With their writing style in their book, the authors bring a piece of specialized new legislation to the attention of the legal layman in a pleasantly readable way.

Title: Praktische gids – Privacy in de onderneming, Authors: Marga Caproni and Stéphanie De Smedt, Publisher: Wolters Kluwer, ISBN 9789046584347