‘Deradicalization’ – Scientific Insights for Flemish Policy

  • AuthorAllard R. Feddes, Amy-Jane Gielen, Carl Miller, Jan Jaap van Eerten, Leah Selig Chauhan, Lore Colaert, Marcel Maussen, Merel Talbi, Paul Thomas

Editors: Lore Colaert

Authors: Lore Colaert; Carl Miller; Leah Selig Chauhan; Allard R. Feddes; Daniel Koehler; Bertjan Doosje; Jan Jaap van Eerten; Amy-Jane Gielen; Paul Thomas; Marcel Maussen; Merel Talbi

‘Deradicalization’ was published by the Flemish Peace Institute.

In the first 8 chapters, the various authors examine the issue from various angles. The book is not only about radical ideology or violent behavior and possible explanations for it. It also covers definitions, tools for assessing risks, existing deradicalization programs in multiple countries, the possibility of counter-narratives, how to evaluate the effectiveness of countering violent extremism efforts, and how young people perceive deradicalization attempts. And of course, the experience with the idea of a European Islam. The final chapter explains how this knowledge fits into Flanders.

‘Deradicalization’ should be read by anyone who preaches blind hate and hides behind the excuse of “but we can’t do anything about it.” So, it’s not true that there’s nothing to be done. There is a lot to be done. Stealthily. Not with an authority figure, but with peers and credible sources.

One thing that sticks is that there are many ways someone can radicalize and choose extremist violence. That’s why a tailored approach is necessary for Deradicalization. Radicalization itself is not bad, as it actually means “returning to the root” and brings about a fundamentally different perspective. It’s the violent behavior that sometimes accompanies it that is reprehensible.

So, the goal of Deradicalization should be to make alternative means more appealing than violence as a solution. With a message of love and hope. Hope for jobs, for good education, for removing stigmas in this society. And not just hope.

Whoever is saved from violent behavior can be saved for society.

Saving one person saves a whole world.